Hospital wards, Hosting
Hospital beds, Nursing home beds, Home care beds, Hospital bassinets Bed head units, Medical bed accessories, Mattresses, Mattress overlays
Cushions, Blankets, bedside tables, verbed tables, Bed trays, Patient chairs Patient room armchairs, Hospital screens, Patient room cabinets
Chests of drawers, Medical bathtubs, Shower trolleys, Shower stretchers Shower chairs, Shower stools, Shower seats, Bath seats, Grab bars
Commode chairs,Raised toilet seats,Urinals,Other medical room and accommodation facility devices,Waiting room chairs,Waiting room
armchairs,Waiting room sofas,Waiting room benches,Waiting room tables Coffee tables,Dining room chairs,Dining tables,Lockers, Patient room
furniture sets
Medical offices, Examination rooms
Examination chairs,Treatment chairs,Hemodialysis chairs Blood donor chairs,Examination tables, Workstations,Doctor’s, Ophthalmic instruments tableschairs,Healthcare facility stools,Hospital screens Step stools,Other doctor’s office accessories,Minor surgery lamps,Examination lamps,Spotlights,Disinfection systems Worktops,Doctor’s office cabinets,Display cabinets,Changing stations Changing tables,Office chairs,Desks,Waiting room chairs,Waiting room benches,Beam chairs,Waiting room armchairs, Waiting room sofas
Patient transfer
Patient lifts,Patient lift slings,Standers,Raising slings,Lifting platforms Patient lift accessories,Tilt tables,Stretcher trolleys, Patient transfer stretcher trolleys,Transfer chairs,Lift chairs,Stairlifts,Transfer mattresses Transfer boards,Transfer sheets,Turning systems,IV poles Shower chairs, Shower stools,Shower seats,Bath seats Shower trolleys,Grab bars Logistics, Service, Storage Service trolleys,Treatment trolleys,Logistics trolleys,Transport trolleys Mortuary trolleys,Electric movers,Pneumatic tube systems Pneumatic tube carriers,Automated dispensing systems Automated dispensing cabinets,Vacuum cleaners Dust suction units,Scrubber-dryers,Carpet cleaners,Burnishers Vacuum sweepers,Storage cabinets,Security cabinets
Drying cabinets,Sterilization cabinets,Transfer cabinets Supply cabinets,Dispensing cabinets,Other cabinets, Display cabinets,Lockers,Work tables,Shelving units